The ingredients in this formula are targeted to help alleviate problems with menstruation: painful or irregular periods, PMS, and hormonal migraines, to enhance fertility as well as reduce menopause symptoms (including hot flashes). Please use under the guidance of a professional trained in Rainforest Remedies for the correct timing and dosage. (See "refund policy" for guidelines for contacting me directly regarding use of herbs).
The formula notably includes Skunk Root, AKA the Shaman's herb, which enhances connection with one's inner voice and intuition.
Ingredients: Copalchi (Croton spp.),Man Vine (Securidaca diversifolia), Billy Webb (Acosmium panamensis), China Root (Smilax lanceolata), Belizean Wild Yam (Dioscorea belizensis), Ginger (ZIngiber off.) Zorillo (Chicocca alba), tequila
*Not to be taken during pregnancy
Disclaimer: Michelle Brown and Wildflowers Wellness do not diagnose or treat medical conditions, as defined by the AMA or WHO.
Female Tonic Tincture
This Female Tonic is tinctured in tequila and packaged in a 2 or 4 oz bottle. Herbs are sourced from Belize. This tincture is gluten-free and organic.