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This is another great cleanser and tonic for kidneys and liver. At the first sign of kidney pain, a 1-3 doses has always alleviated my symptoms. It has been used with no adverse effects adjunct to dialysis (with consent of prescribing Doctor).  Used for any urinary complaints, water retention, kidney stones (best in conjunction with Standard Process products - see my refund polciy for consultation) and liver ailments.


Ingredients: Balsam Bark, Corn Silk, Mexican Wild Yam, Tequila 


Disclaimer: Michelle Brown and Wildflowers Wellness do not diagnose or treat medical conditions, as defined by the AMA or WHO.

Kidney Tonic Tincture

  • Kidney Support is tinctured in tequila and packaged in a 2 or 4 oz bottle. Herbs are sourced from Belize. This tincture is gluten-free and organic.

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