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Common Issues

Bodywork is powerful natural medicine. In my practice, I integrate traditional Maya methods with other modalities to address a broad range of conditions. Here you’ll find some of the most common issues that I have facilitated healing on through my holistic approach.

Female Reproductive

  • Fertility challenges

  • Secondary infertility (unable to conceive after first term pregnancy)

  • Displaced uterus 

  • Fibroid management 

  • Low libido 

  • Endometriosis 

  • Painful periods

  • Uterine, bladder & rectal prolapse (early stages, management of severe stages)

  • Excess vaginal discharge

  • Dry vagina

  • Candida/bacterial vaginosis

  • Pre/post-hysterectomy support

  • Ovarian cysts

  • PCOS

  • Twisted fallopian tubes


  • Nausea 

  • Overdue baby 

  • Health maintenance (prenatal consults and supplements during pregnancy)

  • Sciatic pain, piriformis dysfunction

  • Malpositioned fetus, breech, posterior and assynclitic

  • Post Partum depression

  • Post Partum irregular menstrual cycles

  • Post Partum reflux and chronic heartburn 

  • Scar tissue after cesareans

  • Realign tailbone after delivery (for broken tailbone during delivery)


  • Colds 

  • Flu symptoms 

  • Anemia 

  • High blood sugar 

  • Pain from prior injuries, even ancient injuries

  • Dry eye 

  • Chronic fatigue 

  • Envy

  • Sugar/food cravings

  • Autoimmune disorders

  • Broken tailbone

  • Interstitial cystitis


  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) 

  • Chronic constipation or diarrhea 

  • Painful bowel movements 

  • Gastroparesis

  • Acute pancreatitis

  • Acid reflux

  • Gut dysbiosis

  • Diverticulitis/ischemic colitis

  • Crohn’s disease

Male​ Reproductive

  • Low motility

  • Poor morphology

  • Prostatitis

  • Frequent or painful urination

  • Erectile dysfunction

  • Pelvic floor pain

Infants and Children

  • Infant colic, vomiting or spitting up 

  • Reflux

  • Painful bowel movements in toddler after fall

  • Insomnia/poor sleep

  • Night terrors

Emotional Trauma

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Fear

  • Grief

  • Sadness

  • Recovery from food disorders

  • Abuse recovery


“It’s not possible to overstate the impact that Michelle has had on my life and relationships. I thought I was coming to her for bodywork and to help flip my breech baby. She gave me what are still the best massages I’ve ever had, and my baby did flip, but I soon discovered the real magic was in her assistance with my soul’s work. Michelle has helped me grow into my role as a mother and continues to help me dig deeper and show up more grounded and present for the most important relationships in my life. She is a mirror and guide for my interior world, helping me remember what I am here to do, giving me the support I need to do the work, and providing a space where I can examine and forgive the less than perfect parts of myself. Every session reaffirms that one of the best decisions I’ve ever made for myself, and for my family, was to invite Michelle to sit front-seat to the challenging but rewarding process of giving birth to myself. I have grown so much in my capacity to love and understand myself and the world around me, thanks to Michelle’s loving guidance over the past five years. She taps into a deep ocean of knowing that I’ve come to realize is a result of a lifetime of humility and authentic self-inquiry. She is a true and very gifted healer. One just should not go through life without a Michelle by their side.” – S.R.

“For all of my adult life, doctors and nurse practitioners have remarked on my low blood pressure, but said and did nothing about its repercussions. Then I began seeing Michelle for my health. Michelle immediately began asking questions and connecting the dots between the various complaints I've had for years – low energy, difficulty sleeping through the night, anxiety – and my low blood pressure. She recommended various Standard Process supplements, and after only a few weeks of taking them, I noticed profound changes to my physiology. I am now feeling ten years younger. Even my hair stylist remarked how much my hair had grown since my previous appointment and that it was thicker. Music to my ears!!” – D.R.

“Michelle treated me for a prolapsed uterus, which I had ignored (in mild forms) for decades. But then it became pronounced around my daughter’s seventh birthday. Surprisingly, within the first month after treatment, I could tell ‘Mrs. U’ was moving back towards her original location. After two months of treatment, together with nutritional support and increased exercise (swimming), the problem resolved to the point where I rarely noticed it anymore. Now, almost half a year later, my abdominal area organs feel like they have more space, better circulation and are sitting more firmly in place. I am so thankful that Michelle was able to help resolve this issue without surgery or other invasive options. And best of all, not only do I feel better about my body, but my body feels better as well." – I.B.

“I can highly recommend Michelle Brown, especially for work in and around pregnancy. With a background in massage, (including Maya abdominal), midwifery, nutrition and herbalism, her approach is very thorough. Michelle addresses whole-body and lifestyle issues, rather than just symptoms and aches and pains, and takes the time to listen and fully understand you before beginning treatment. She helped me recover from miscarriage and – after a lifetime of painful periods – I had a normal, pain-free cycle after three months of working with her.” – L.B.

“Several years ago, I started seeing Michelle to treat my polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and irregular cycles. Through my time working with her, Michelle not only treated my body, she also treated my mind and soul. I have learned meditation techniques that I utilize daily. This has helped with stress management and developing a dialogue with my inner voice. Michelle has shared her knowledge of astrology, which has allowed me to get a better understanding of myself, my challenges, but most importantly, my strengths. Michelle’s wisdom has helped me grow and flourish in mind, body and spirit.” – Erica

“In February of 2007, I began seeing Michelle for general abdominal and bladder challenges. In a few visits, my symptoms began to improve as I did, and continue to do, the self-care she recommended. Her ability to blend knowledge, training and intuitive knowing gives her the capacity to practice abdominal massage with positive results. Her healing abilities are evident." – V.A.

“When I first came to Michelle, I was in my early 30s and had been having digestive issues for several years. No matter how restrictive my diet and how many medical professionals I saw, I just felt gassy, bloated and depressed about the prospect of my health and vitality. I was searching for what was wrong with me, and at that point, not really believing that I would ever find it. Michelle helped me see that my symptoms were signals that my body was out of balance, spiritually and nutritionally. Through her use of Maya massage and Standard Process supplements, I began my journey back to health. Standard Process products served as a direct line for my organs and body systems to once again work in harmony. I can now eat foods I thought I'd never eat again, and as an unexpected bonus, my periods are very regular and almost cramp-free! Michelle has also directed me to products I can give my kids that super-charge their immune systems to keep them healthy and happy. It feels so good to be empowered in my body's health and my overall happiness, and I'm forever and ever grateful to Michelle for giving me the tools and knowledge to have that happen.” – L.K.

“Before I started coming to Michelle Brown, I had suffered through over three years of persistent diarrhea and bloating that had resulted from a bout of food poisoning. Almost every day by mid-afternoon, I would feel gassy and uncomfortable, and there were many days when I felt so bad I was in bed for much of the day. I had been to the doctor several times and had undergone a couple of really uncomfortable tests, and they found nothing wrong. They told me to start taking Benefiber, to use Beano and anti-gas medication, none of which made any difference at all. Probiotics helped a little, but not much. I learned of Michelle through a friend. I hesitated going to her for a while because it seemed awfully expensive, and what could she really do anyway? Well, it turns out that what she could really do is what no one else before her had been able to do, and what I thought might not even be possible. Through regular appointments with her, practicing Maya massage on myself daily, and taking the natural supplements she gave me to support my body's systems as they healed, I now lead a transformed life. Even with seeing such miraculous results in my own body, it still seems magical to me. My path to healing has been an up and down journey. Michelle is always there to celebrate each victory, give me insight into why the pitfalls are happening, and to support my own growing intuition about attaining balance in my body and life.” – T.C.



  • Severe bug bites 

  • Toenail fungus

  • Ringworm

  • Eczema

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